This training supplies the tools needed to describe and apply the workflow for dynamic analysis in FLAC3D, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of each step involved, including model setup, boundary conditions, input signal application, and damping, to effectively analyze dynamic behavior in geotechnical simulations.
Microseismic monitoring allows for the imaging and visualization of active fracture networks within developing and producing EGS.
Real-time monitoring of microseismic data can provide instant feedback on injection pathways in a treated field and potential fault rupture and propagation that can affect production efficiency.
Post-processing offers a greater understanding of long-term reservoir behavior throughout the treatment history. Detailed microseismic analysis allows for the assessment of potential fluid flow pathways, fault delineation, and can help image the fluid-pressure front migration within the reservoir.
Itasca was involved in the first commercial Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) project in the EU and for over 20 years has undertaken international research programs for the monitoring of rock damage at reservoir scale. Itasca’s seismic processing software InSite is used for the processing of induced microseismicity and regional seismicity by commercial companies and research institutions managing geothermal projects in the U.S., Australia, Germany, and the Republic of Korea.