FLAC/Slope is a special, streamlined version of FLAC for evaluating the factor of safety (FoS) of soil and rock slopes in two dimensions with simple and fast model setup and analysis execution. FLAC/Slope can simulate stability problems under a wide variety of slope conditions, including: arbitrary slope geometries, multiple layers, pore pressure conditions, heterogeneous soil properties, surface loading, and structural reinforcement.
FLAC/Slope 8.10.467 (and greater) is now freeware and is available at no cost. Hard-lock, network, or web licenses are not required to operate this full feature, non-restricted version of the software. However, free technical support is no longer provided to the freeware version. We encourage you to report any suspected bugs and paid technical support is always available.

Highlighted Features
- Specialize version of FLAC with a streamlined user interface for evaluating the factor of safety (FoS) of slopes;
- Uses Shear-Strength Reduction (SSR) method to calculate FoS;
- Simple, fast model set-up and analyses execution;
- Wizards for slope, bench, dam, and general topography;
- Include 3D structural ground support (rock bolts, soil nails, and geogrids);
- Include an interface between materials to model geological or artificial surfaces;
- Axisymmetric or plane strain analyses;
- Specify the location of a water table for effective stress analysis;
- Apply forces;
- Specify the materials either manually or from a database;
- Specify geological layers; and
- Plot calculated FoS, velocity vectors, shear strain, and plasticity indicators.