This training supplies the tools needed to describe and apply the workflow for dynamic analysis in FLAC3D, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of each step involved, including model setup, boundary conditions, input signal application, and damping, to effectively analyze dynamic behavior in geotechnical simulations.
An Itasca software license consists of two parts: the license type (physical/virtual key and number of seats) and license term (duration). All software is available for supported Windows platforms and the current versions of 3DEC, FLAC2D, FLAC3D, MassFlow, and PFC are supported for Ubuntu Linux.
1Loss of internet access pauses modeling, which will automatically continue once internet connection is reestablished.
2Please refer to Section 21 our Software End User License Agreement (EULA).
3XSite Linux Version and Rhinoceros CAD software are not eligible as academic licenses.
4XSite is only available as a monthly or annual lease.