Featured Projects

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Extraction of Crown Pillar in Kittilä (2014)

Extraction of the crown pillar separating the open pit from the underground mining was to be conducted as a part of the transition from open pit to underground mining at the Kittilä mine. Itasca carried out a study of crown pillar mining on the stability of the open pit and underground infrastructure.

Long term behavior of claystone and its interaction with steel casing (2014)

Study of potential damage in the claystone surrounding a HLW disposal cell for storage of high-level radioactive waste (HLW waste).

Solid segregation of limestone-coal mix discharged on a conoid system (2014)

SOLVAY S.A. wanted to assess the capability of the discrete-modeling approach to reproduce the behavior and the segregation of a mix of blocks (limestone + coal) discharged on a spreading system (conoid). A PFC3D model was developed to reproduce this complex system.

Rock Mechanics Support for the Dannemora Mine (2014)

The Dannemora mine has been in production since (at least) 1481 until its first closure in 1992. The fact that the mine is very old, but also has been closed for some time, has influenced the infrastructure and mine planning during the earlier era of mining.

Simulation of a tunnel excavation at shallow depth (Ohio River Bridge) (2014)

The behavior, during excavation, of a shallow tunnel cutting densely fractured limestones and dolomites raised concerns.

Extension of a tramway in Nice, France - 3D dynamic calculations (2014)

FLAC3D models are conducted with the aim to simulate the response of underground tramway structures in Nice, France, under earthquake loading.

El Teniente Fragmentation Study (2013)

Fragmentation is an important aspect of all block caving operations. The primary fragmentation can be difficult to assess, in particular in complex geological environments, and for rock masses subjected to varying stress as is normally the case in block caving.

Laver Rock Mechanics Pre-Feasibility Study (2013)

Boliden is investigating the Laver low-grade copper deposit for potential future mining. The old Laver deposit was discovered in the 1930s, and was operated between 1938 and 1946. Mining was primarily conducted as small-scale underground mining, but a small open pit was also in operation at that time. The currently investigated deposit is of larger scale and with lower grades. Investigations have been on-going since 2008, including geophysical investigations, outcrop mapping, sampling of drill cuttings, and diamond core drilling. The mineralization is not defined at depth and/or in strike extension.

Improved Blasting through Precise Initiation (2013)

Using blasting caps with electronic delay units, and programmable delay times down to 1 ms, it has become possible to employ wave superposition in rock blasting. It has been hypothesized that fragmentation is improved in areas between blastholes where the tensile waves meet, overlap and interact. An improved fragmentation can, in turn, result in reduced costs for both blasting and transportation of the blasted rock, improved environmental aspects, and reductions in energy consumption during crushing and grinding of the blasted rock, as well as improved metal recovery. In this project, the above hypothesis was further studied in conjunction with developing computational tools for simulation of blasting with electronic programmable delay caps.

Crookston Landslide Stabilization (2013)

In 2003, a landslide developed along the Red Lake river bank inside the city of Crookston, Minnesota. Although several attempts were made to solve the problem, in 2008, a second event occurred, and extensive instrumentation was then put in place to monitor the slope and gain a better understanding of the situation. In 2013, the Minnesota Department of Transportation issued a design and build project to improve the stability of the river bank.

Predictions of Groundwater Inflow to Sublevel Stope Mining (2013)

This project involved simulating the proposed open pits and underground mining of the Aurora Mine in Guyana, predicting potential inflow rates into the pits and underground workings, and providing pore‐pressure distributions to the geomechanical model.

Stress Modeling Malmberget (2013)

LKAB plans to increase the production in Malmberget mine to 20 million metric tons of iron ore per year. The objective of this work was to create a detailed model of all orebodies to study the stress situation with continued ore production at depth.

Modeling of the formwork removal of a rubble stone masonry bridge (2013)

Determine the mechanical behavior of a stone arch bridge during the phase of the formwork removal.

Thermal and Dynamic Analysis of the RCC Dam for a Water Reservoir with a Geological Fault in the Foundation (2013)

This project involved the thermo-mechanical coupled, static, and dynamic analyses of the main dam of a water reservoir in a river in southern Chile.

Long Term Cavern Stability of the SFR Facility (2012)

A numerical analysis was conducted to assess the long term stability of the rock caverns BMA and BLA for the final repository of low and middle level nuclear waste at the SFR facility in Forsmark, Sweden. The objective was to analyze if there exists a long term risk for an ongoing loosening of the rock mass up to the surface due to degradation and weathering of the rock mass adjacent to the walls of the rock caverns.

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25 Feb
Débuter avec FLAC2D/FLAC3D
This training is an introduction to continuous modeling with FLAC2D and FLAC3D. At the end of the course, participants will master the ... Read More
11 Mar
Débuter avec 3DEC
Objectives of the training: Understand the 3DEC numerical approach and the types of problems it can solveKnow how to manipulate the 3DE... Read More
26 Mar
Python in Itasca Software
This course provides an overview of the Python programming language in Itasca software.The course covers major applications of Python t... Read More